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Project 2b - Experiencing Place - The Memory Repository in Kampung Machap Baru, Melaka

Project 1 introduced and explored the formal and poetic articulation of architecture in a site-less or hypothetical site condition. Project 2a conducted historical research and site analysis as a driver for architectural development. Therefore in Project 2b, the design brief calls for an architectural response to design A MEMORY REPOSITORY emphasising a strong engagement and relationship to the site, spatial experiences and programmatic requirements.

The memory repository will serve two purposes:

▪ To provide a physical point of reference with visual significance that keeps alive the culture/ history/ memory/ essence of the site.

▪ To provide accommodation to house and display relevant material and interpretive material for public access and information.


Visitors will be inspired and informed in ways that somehow express the spirit of the place (genius loci). 




After this project, I'm able to generate design through conscious consideration of spatial typologies, section-plan relationship, contextual conditions and considerations of human scale, natural light, materiality and textures. I could produce and justify a design of a small-scale community building within an open/suburban context, following analysis and exploration of the site, the user requirements, environmental sustainability, buildability and spatial poetics. Lastly, I feel proud using my design to communicate through effective visual and expressive verbal presentation to peer, tutors and architects from different industries.

I would like to thank my tutor, Ms Raihana who made it to the end of the subject with us. We had amazing lectures and discussions throughout the semester and I benefited a lot through her guidance.

© 2020 by Jean Soh

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